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Kaneshiro: [Okinawa Yakuzen Bijin] Dry Clanberry 80g

Kaneshiro: [Okinawa Yakuzen Bijin] Dry Clanberry 80g

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It is a delicious snack that carefully dried fresh cranberries.

 Contains twice as polyphenols of grapes, cranberries with high antioxidant and whitening effects. You can easily enjoy it as a daily snack.

To mix with yogurt or make sweets.
In Europe and the United States, it is also popular for meat sauce.

[Notation based on the Food Labeling Law]
Raw material: Cranberry sugar
How to save: Avoid high -temperature and humidity in direct sunlight and store in a cold place
Country of origin: America
Nutritional components (100g) Calories347kcalprotein0.6gLipid1GDietary fiber4.9GvitaminC18.8mg
Equivalent of salt0.01gpotassium69.7mgcalcium8.3 mgiron0.3 mgcarbohydrates84g

* This product handles foods containing peanuts and walnuts in the same place.

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